Hello there and welcome to my first blog. I´m a blog-writing-novice with a lot of experience in stalking other sewing bloggers with great taste! On this blog I will like to contribute to the sewing community with my own creations, mistakes - and hopefully - successes. I have been sewing on and off for a long time but during the past few years I seriously caught the sewing bug! I'm now a compulsive homeseamstress who try too juggle a full time job, three small children and sew a bit for sanity.. I hope you will enjoy the ride.
XO Mette
Velkommen til min første blog. Jeg har læst og er blevet inspireret af så mange dygtige sy-damer, at det nu må være på tide at komme over stalker-stadiet og selv bidrage med noget. Jeg har syet en del gennem årene, men efter at have opdaget internettets utallige inspirationskilder indenfor syning er jeg virkelig kommet igang igen. Jeg håber, du har lyst til at kigge med.
Kh Mette
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