onsdag den 8. juli 2015

The Top Issue

Just stopped by to say hi!

I have been having a big crush on Instagram lately and have been neglecting my poor blogg. I still like to write blogpost and connect with you guys, and I shall try to make it up to you. In the meantime I'll show you what I have been up to top-wise in the last few month. Without futher ado I present to you the Sewbluedresses Top Issue:

Cotton silk pleated t-shirt

This is the The Pleated T-shirt by Salme Patterns made in a lovely cotton-silk blend I bought from a new danish on-line fabric shop called Fabricminds. Oh how I love this shop already. They carry a nice selection of designer and high end fabrics. Enough to feed all your dreams. They ship to Denmark, Norway and Sweeden but do contact them for shipping information if you live elsewhere. I made the top a year ago as a wearable muslin in a viscose of some sort, but this fabric is an entirely different league (no, I do not get sponsered by Fabricminds - but is very much open to the idea:))

Archer in the garden

Another favorite pattern of mine - and my go-to pattern for classic, oversize shirt is the Archer Shirt from Grainline Studio . I've made this pattern 3 times before and knew it would be right for this drapy viscose fabric (and yes it is a homemade selfdrafted lace cami under the shirt). This is possibly the best viscose fabric I've bought and I knew I had to use every last scrap of it - therefore I used the rest for this:

Burda blouse for hot weather

I knew I wanted a v-neck so I browsed through my old Burdastyle Magazines. I found a tuniq in the plus size section of the march edition from 2013. I cut the pattern shorter, lifted the v-neck by 3 cm and took it in a bit at the sides. It's an oversize blouse so I wasn't too concerned about fit. I only had enough of the expensive designer viscose for the front so I bought some plain viscose from Stof og Stil - and what a remarkable difference in quality. I'm sure the front of the blouse will hold up beautifully, but not too sure about the back...

Closet workhorse Archer in white

This is yet another version of the Archer pattern from Grainline Studio. This time made in gorgeous white Liberty fabric I bought of Ebay. I've actually never owned a classic white shirt so it was about time. I made it back in may and have used it a lot since.

Simplicity 1366: duck egg blue sandwashed silk

This is yet another version of my beloved Simplicity 1366. I've made it two times before and it's a good basic pattern to show off nice fabric. I like to use simple patterns when I use difficult (expensive) fabrics. This is sandwashed silk from Stof og Stil. It's a lovely quality and wasn't too shifty to cut into. I made sure to do all the right things. Staystich, french seams etc. As a simple design feature I cut a back slit late one night - which by mistake ended up in the front.. This hasn't prevented me from using this blouse a lot - but next time I'm cutting slits I'll make sure they go on the right side.

Simplicity 1366: the cheap version

This doesn't come near the silk simplicity 1366. It's a (cheap) viscose twill from Stof og Stil. I really like the pattern and the colours but the fabric just feel too cheap. I have only been wearing this a couple of times since I made it, so I guess that the price pr. time a garment gets worn can be high - eventhough the fabric initially was cheap. (good excuse to buy better fabric from now!).

Afternoon Blouse

This is the Afternoon Blouse pattern by Jennifer Lauren Vintage I'm not really that into vintage patterns, but I really like this shape. I've made it twice so far and maybe I'll make one more in plain black. For this version I used viscose crepe from Stof og Stil . I like the texture of this fabric and plan to use aaaall the colours available.

Plantain scoop neck tee

I have a few tried and true knit t-shirt patterns that works everytime for me. This is the (free) Plantain t-shirt from Deer and Doe. I like the scoop neck and the slighly flared style. Makes good room for them hips:). The fabric is a nice viscose jersey from Stofdepotet. I have been hoarding this fabric and have been saving every little scrap to use for details in t-shirts and so on.

Pineapple Plantain

This is another Plantain
This time with short sleeves. I used this really cool pineapple fabric from Aime Comme Marie bought at Metermeter. I think the print looks really cool, but I'm so disappointed in the quality of the fabric. I'm not too sure it will hold op in the wash for more than a few times. I washed the fabric before cutting into it and it already looks a bit frumpy (and so do I, when I think of the price..)

Lace cami
I love lace - it ads a bit of everyday luxury. This is a stretch lace bought locally at Rita Stoffer (no website). It stretches beautifully and feels wonderful. I used and old tanktop to make the pattern. It's a fast make and will surely not be the last lacetop I make.

Alice Top
The fabric shop Tessuti from Australia also sell their own pdf patterns. I downloaded the Alice Top from their website. The patterned fabric is thrifted silk crepe de chine from a dress and the solid is of unknown content from stash. I'm however not to sure this style suits me, but will give it a go this summer.

Sutton Blouse by True Bias

The last one - and then I'll shut up - promise! - is the Sutton Blouse by True Bias. Kelli from True Bias is the genious behind The Hudson Pants. The Sutton Blouse is for drapy fabrics and feature a yoke, v-neck and a flowy sillouette. I made this using a subtle leopard jaquard weave white viscose from Citystoffer. Citystoffer only offers a small part of their fabrics online, but do pay them a visit if you are in Aarhus. They have a great selection of dressweight fabrics. The Sutton Blouse came together easily, but you have to make sure, you are precise, when finishing the v-neck. It's a great blouse for warm weather, but can also be used with a cardi, when the weather cools down again.

So, that's it! I guess I have enough tops for the time being (who am I kidding - never enough!). I'll make a childrens issue soon - and maybe a dress version..

Have you made any sundresses yet? I'm always pondering if I'll bother to make a sundress here in the danish climate, since there's rarely (and sadly) any occation to wear it, but this year I think I'll make one since we are going to France on holiday! I'm so excited - better make a sundress with enough room in the stomach area since both cheese and fabricshopping is on the to-do-list:) Have you got any favorite sundress pattern and can you recommend any good fabric shops in Paris?

Happy sewing


11 kommentarer:

  1. First off, you made more tops in the last few months than I in my entire life! Tops is something I should focus more on! I am in love with your lace cami: we truly need more luxury and lace in our lives! Isn't it cute to add a little bow instead of the label? :)

    When it comes to summer dresses, I hear you: here in Dublin we are not too much spoilt with summer weather either, but it's good to have a summer dress handy. So far, I've made only one summer dress, Lily by Colette patterns, and it's still one of my favourite and most worn garments. The princess seams are very easy to alter for all types of bodies, the big pockets are priceless and the neckline flap is extremely flattering!

    In terms of fabric shops in Paris, I will send you an email with some info :)

    1. Thank you for kind words Inna:)
      The Lily from Colette is beautiful - I must look into that.
      Please send your words of wisdom on fabric shops in Paris. I travelling with my family so have to choose carefully which shops to visit, since I probably only will be allowed to visit a few:)
      My e-mail is: mette_bach77@hotmail.com

  2. Hvor er du sej, Mette! De er virkelig skønne alle dine toppe og til stor inspiration :-)

    1. Tusind tak Line. Jeg er også så forelsket i dine søde børneshorts. De er på to-do listen - og skal helst laves, så de er klar når det varme vejr (forhåbentligt) rammer igen.

  3. Altså du er simpelthen så produktiv! Super flotte toppe. Del meget gerne hvis du får nogle gode stof-tips til Paris! Vi tager derned på mandag, og har også været ved at Google lidt stoffer;-)

    1. Jeg har allerede fået anbefalet disse, som begge har websider med adresser:
      http://www.les-coupons-de-saint-pierre.fr/fr/ og http://www.annakabazaar.com/ . Jeg tror der ligger flere i området omkring les coupons de saint pierre. Det er i området tæt på Mont Martre - så kan resten af familien jo hvile ud med en is efter Sacre Cour mens man spurter rundt i stofbutikkerne.. Det er ihvertfald min skudsikre plan:)

    2. Fandt lige denne hjemmeside med adresser på stofbutikker i Paris. Ved ikke de er gode, men hvis man er i nabolaget, kan man jo lige stikke hovedet ind..
      Sig endelig til, hvis du kommer forbi nogle gode stofbutikker. Vi rejser først om 14 dage.

    3. Du godeste, der er mange! Is til familien ved Sacre Coeur og stofjagt til mor, lyder som en plan der ikke kan gå galt;-) Min kæreste tager sig til hovedet nu, han kan allerede mærke betalingen for overvægt i kufferten på vej hjem, haha:-) Tak for link, jeg skal nok melde tilbage.

  4. Du har syet så mange skønne ting Mette - sikke en parade :-)) Jeg har jo set de fleste på Instagram allerede, men jeg synes det er fint at få lidt flere ord på, her på bloggen, så tak for det :-)
    Jeg har selv lige syet to kjoler færdige, som snart kommer på bloggen - den ene er Dahlia fra Colette Patterns og den anden er en ret simpel model fra en japansk sybog. Jeg havde glædet mig meget til Dahlia kjolen, men den var noget af en udfordring..
    Lyder dejligt med ferie i Frankrig - rigtig god tur :-)

    1. Det lyder spændende med de to kjoler. Dem vil jeg se frem til. Jeg har også haft udfordringer med Colettes mønstre. Især på ryggen - hvor jeg altid ender med lidt af en pukkelryg i overskydende stof. Har du prøvet at google andre bloggere, der har lavet Dahlia-kjolen? Måske der er gode råd at få.

  5. Wauv du for vild! Så flotte toppe hver og en! Kh Maria
