fredag den 14. august 2015

Fall sewing plans

Hello there!

I hope you all have had a nice summer. Mine definitely was. I spend two weeks in France and also enjoyed the (reasonably) good summer we've had here in Denmark this year.

France was brilliant! I spend the holiday touring around Paris and the western part of France with my hubby and three kiddos in an campercar. The countryside was beautiful, the weather was great and the wine and the cheese... But I know you don't stop by here for the wine and the cheese alone but also for the love of sewing. You wan't to know the dirty deeds. Yes I did some fabric shopping! Yes i bought 30 meters to kickstart my fall sewing! I bought some lovely bouclé, cotton, wool suiting and lots of silk. I'm not sure why it's so difficult (and expensive) to buy silk here in Denmark so I went a bit crazy in Paris where the selection and prices are a very different story to here.

I've started to collect a few ideas for what I'll sew for the upcoming season. This year I've decided to be more focused in my sewing and less impulsive.. Lets see how that will go.. I hope my keyword for this fall will be wearability.

I'm planning to use my bouclé to sew a Coco Jacket. I've made one (unblogged) version before and this pattern is a great basic if you want to dip your toe into jacket making. It's a simple and rather easy pattern, but it still features a two piece sleeve and it's lined. On my first version I added welt pockets but I think I'll go for classic patch pockets in the fraying bouclé. I'm hoping making the Coco will give me courage to start making the real deal: a chanel bouclé jacket with all the couture features. I have had all the supplies for this for over a year but I can't get over my fear of ruining it all so I haven't dared making it yet...

I have seen that turtle necks are back this fall and think I'll have a go if I can find som decent jersey. I'm planning to use this burdastyle pattern:

Kirsten, Kirsten - I'll never tire of this pattern. It's a classic in my wardrobe and I'll make a few more for to wear with jackets and cardigans this fall. Did I mention the pattern is a free download?

I have a really nice grey ponte in my stash that will work well for this pattern. I really like the asymmetric pleating and the zipper in the back.

As soon as I saw this in the august number of Burdastyle I knew I had to make it. It will be perfect in the blue og black stretch silk I bought in Paris. The pattern is plussize, but I'm not too concerned about sizing down since its a loosefitting dress.

I bought the Wenona Dress pattern by Named Clothing back in spring but this is really a dress for fall and winter. I really like the lines and I hope this will be a winner for winter.

I'm hoping to make a few a-line wool skirts too and a kimono.. I hope this plan will keep me from fabricshopping (too much) since I already have the fabric for most on this list.

I think I like sewing for fall even more, than summerdresses. I really like the texture and colours in the fabrics for fall. How about you - are you excited about sewing for the next season or do you prefer the summerdresses? Have you started planning? Have you any other surgestions for cool fall patterns?

Happy sewing


3 kommentarer:

  1. Hvor er det nogle skønne styles du har på din liste :-) Jeg glæder mig til at se dem op-syet i dine lækre stoffer. Du har bare sans for det og er mega sej bag maskinerne. Gid jeg havde dit mod! Jeg har også planer og stoffer liggende til ting til mig selv, men nu skal kroppen lige blive lidt normal igen inden jeg kaster mig ud i selv-syning ;-) God fornøjelse :-)

  2. Tak for de søde ord Line.
    Jeg er nu ret sikker på, at du også har modet til at kaste dig ud i syning til dig selv. Jeg kan stadig huske din flotte prikkede kjole og nu også din fine libertykjole... Så skønne.
    En graviditet tager hårdt på kroppen og jeg kan godt forstå du tøver med at kaste dig ud i det på nuværende tidspunkt. Jeg har også hele tiden en idé om, at det ikke kan betale sig at sy for meget til mig selv, da jeg nok taber mig liige om lidt - men har nu besluttet mig til at ignorere den tanke, da det tilsyneladende ikke er sket de sidste par år.. - og man skal jo også have tøj på kroppen:)
