fredag den 10. april 2015

Cuteness overload

A cute kid and pandas in the same picture - it doesn't get any cuter than that!

I'm on a kids sewing binge and I finished this little outfit during my easter break.

The fabric for the dress is of course from Stofdepotet - no surprise here. This particular fabric is not available online anymore, but this is the same quality and really cute too. The fabric is a summer sweatshirt knit and maybe best for sweatshirts and Hudson Pants. Now, in our house there is not a great need for another pair of Hudson Pants at the moment so instead I made a dress and received the mommy of the year award - pink, pandas and spots will qualify you if you are interested:)

The pattern is Onion 20045. It gives you a few variations - among these ruffles. I'm planning to use this pattern again, but next time, I'll use a more drapy jersey instead. The pattern is really simple so don't stir away because of the danish language.

The fabric for the leggings is a remnant from a non-blogged Plantain T-shirt for me. Also from Stofdepotet. You can still buy the fabric here. The fabric is a drapy viscose knit with small dots and a really nice quality. I have been wearing my Plantain T-shirt every week for the last two month and the fabric still looks great. I hope Stofdepotet bans me from their website sometime soon - it's just too tempting...

Here is a flat shot sans kid so you can really enjoy the pandas:)

The good:
The sweatshirt knit was a bit expensive but it's a really lovely quality. The pattern is easy - would be perfect for summerdresses too with short sleeves.

The bad:
I haven't photographed the clothes I have made for myself recently. Why is it such a hazard to get decent pictures? - perhaps a new camera will do the trick? If you will like to follow my journey in clothesmaking more closely, you can find me on Instagram - my username is "sewbluedresses". I hope, you stop by and say hi!

Have you started planning your summer sewing projects yet?

Happy sewing
